Neglected 3rd Mediation Summons NGO BAKORNAS Urges PT. INKORDAN INTERNATIONAL Immediately Pay Ex-Employees' Rights

Jabar tgl 04/06/2024 | BOGOR - Mediation is an effort to resolve disputes peacefully where there is the involvement of a neutral third party (Mediator), who actively helps the disputing parties to reach an agreement that is acceptable to all parties. Settlement of industrial relations disputes through mediation is a mechanism for resolving civil disputes outside of court as regulated in Law Number 2 of 2004 concerning Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes.

Settlement through mediation is an alternative to resolving disputes outside of court. One way of resolving disputes outside the court (non-litigation) is through mediation, this stems from the idea that resolving cases in judicial institutions has not been able to resolve in accordance with community expectations.

PT. Inkordan International was absent from the 3rd mediation call held by the Bogor Regency Manpower Office. That the Bogor Regency Manpower Service has sent a summons to PT. Inkordan International and DPP NGO BAKORNAS as companions for ex-Employees on behalf of the initials Mrs. TR. With call letter number 500.15.15.2/2370/HI Syaker.

However, the call for mediation which was held at the Bogor Regency Manpower Office on Tuesday 4 July 2024 was not attended by PT. Incordant International. Regarding this, the NGO BAKORNAS did not receive confirmation as to why PT. Inkordan International was not present at the mediation call. 

Hermanto, S.P.d.K., CPS., CLS., CNS., CHL as General Chair of the National Anti-Corruption Agency said that his party was disappointed with the absence of PT. Incordant International

The General Chairperson of the NGO BAKORNAS also said, apart from that we are disappointed with the absence of PT. Inkordan International in the 3rd mediation process, we have also conveyed several things about our disappointment with PT. International Incordant at the Bogor Regency Workforce Service.

He said that previously there had been three summons, namely a call for clarification, a call for mediation I (first) and a call for mediation II (second). However, PT. Inkordan International seemed trivial and seemed to take the process lightly, as if the process seemed informal. 

Hermanto explained that even though the entire sequence of processes had a legal basis, namely referring to Law Number 2 of 2004. Throughout this process there had been no explanation of the views, thoughts and policies, and peaceful solutions presented by PT. Inkordan International officially addresses the demands of ex-employees who were laid off without receiving a penny of severance pay and other rights

The reason is that so far PT. Inkordan Internasional only provides comments, rebuttals and responses to things that are conveyed and expressed, presented, and expressed by the NGO BAKORNAS, but there is no point-by-point description, chronology, attitude, thoughts and understanding as well as actions that will be taken by PT. International Incordant regarding the rights of ex-employees demanded by the NGO BAKORNAS, concluded Hermanto. 

He said that PT. Inkordan Internasional has been able to provide a detailed explanation and chronology regarding the work history of former employees, who were accompanied by the NGO BAKORNAS. 

The general chairman of the NGO BAKORNAS who is also a national activist figure explained that clarification is an action carried out by a person or group with the aim of obtaining an explanation and clarification of a particular problem. Previously, the Bogor Regency Manpower Service held a clarification process from all parties on May 8 2024 in the Mediation Room of the Bogor Regency Manpower Service Office.

At the first mediation on May 17 2024 and the Second (Second) mediation on May 29 2024, Hermanto said that PT. Inkordan Internasional did not offer a solution, or did not convey any ideas and offers or solutions to resolve the dispute, from PT. International Incordance regarding the rights demanded by former employees who have been laid off. "In fact, mediation is an effort to resolve disputes peacefully," said Hermanto.

As previously PT. INKORDAN INTERNASIONAL has carried out layoffs without giving any severance pay or other rights to former employees of PT. INKORDAN INTERNATIONAL which is being accompanied by the NGO BAKORNAS.

Even though the former employee had worked at PT. INKORDAN INTERNATIONAL from 2010 to September 2023. Apart from not receiving severance pay, his basic salary was also cut on the grounds that he did not reach the team's production target, even though the basic salary of PT employees. INKORDAN INTERNATIONAL is under the Bogor Regency UMR.

Worse yet, the ex-employee's work certificate stated that the worker had stopped working because he had resigned, even though the worker had never submitted and requested a RETIRED letter. "This is called public deception," said the Chairman of BAKORNAS.

And the basic salary for ex-employees of PT. During his work, the International Inkordan was also under the UMR of Bogor Regency. "Of course, this is contrary to the applicable provisions and laws," he concluded. ( NGO BAKORNAS )
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